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ElMariachi-PC PwntillDawn

IP Address =

Difficulty = Easy

Nmap Scan: image

From the scan we can see its a windows box. So lets enumerate the smb server image

It shows that we can’t list shares anonymously. On looking at the ports we can see a weird port on 5040 and nmap isn’t able to identify the service running on it

I tried connecting to it using netcat but I didn’t get any response image

Lets get back to the smb port and try further enumeration. Using the metasploit module, I attempted to brute force but wasn’t successfull image

At this point I rescanned the host again and got another port which was running thinvnc on port 60000 image

I checked out metasploit to see if there’s any thing on it. Cool there is image

I’ll use the exploit image

And it gave us a credential desperado:TooComplicatedToGuessMeAhahahahahahahh. I’ll login via rdp using newly found credential image image image

Flag67: 2971f3459fe55db1237aad5e0f0a259a41633962

And we’re done

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