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Reverse Engineering

Basic File Checks

I’ll check the file type

└─$ file csaw19_beleaf  
csaw19_beleaf: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=6d305eed7c9bebbaa60b67403a6c6f2b36de3ca4, stripped

It’s a x64 binary which is dynamically linked and its stripped

Now checking the protection enabled

└─$ checksec csaw19_beleaf 
[!] Could not populate PLT: invalid syntax (, line 110)
[*] '/home/mark/Documents/Pentest/BOF/02-beginner_re/csaw19_beleaf'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled

So lets run it to know what it does

└─$ ./csaw19_beleaf                   
Enter the flag
>>> flag

It requires inputting the flag

Now i’ll decompile it using ghidra

On checking FUN_001008a1 which is going to be the main function we get this

undefined8 FUN_001008a1(void)

  size_t sVar1;
  long lVar2;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  ulong local_b0;
  char local_98 [136];
  long local_10;
  local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  printf("Enter the flag\n>>> ");
  sVar1 = strlen(local_98);
  if (sVar1 < 0x21) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  for (local_b0 = 0; local_b0 < sVar1; local_b0 = local_b0 + 1) {
    lVar2 = FUN_001007fa((int)local_98[local_b0]);
    if (lVar2 != *(long *)(&DAT_003014e0 + local_b0 * 8)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return 0;

Now i’ll try to rename stuffs there to make it look better

int main(void)

  size_t len;
  long transformInput;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  ulong i;
  char input [136];
  long canary;
  canary = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  printf("Enter the flag\n>>> ");
  len = strlen(input);
  if (len < 0x21) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
    transformInput = transformFunc((int)input[i]);
    if (transformInput != *(long *)(&desiredOutput + i * 8)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  if (canary != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return 0;

Now that looks better. So here’s what happening

1. It receives user input then check if the length is less than 33 if it is, it prints incorrect then exit
2. But if it isn't, it does a for loop on the length of the input given
3. while it loops it runs through each character of the input and the tranformFunc compares it with the desiredOutput value
4. Also the desiredOutput characters is stored as an offset of 8bytes
5. If the two are not equal the program exists
6. Checking the tranformFunc shows that the data in stored in the .bss section of the binary

Now we know that our first output is going to be equal to 0x1, the second wil be 0x9 and so on …..

                             desiredOutput                                   XREF[2]:     main:0010096b(*), 
        003014e0 01              ??         01h
        003014e1 00              ??         00h
        003014e2 00              ??         00h
        003014e3 00              ??         00h
        003014e4 00              ??         00h
        003014e5 00              ??         00h
        003014e6 00              ??         00h
        003014e7 00              ??         00h
        003014e8 09              ??         09h
        003014e9 00              ??         00h
        003014ea 00              ??         00h
        003014eb 00              ??         00h
        003014ec 00              ??         00h
        003014ed 00              ??         00h
        003014ee 00              ??         00h
        003014ef 00              ??         00h
        003014f0 11              ??         11h
        003014f1 00              ??         00h
        003014f2 00              ??         00h
        003014f3 00              ??         00h
        003014f4 00              ??         00h
        003014f5 00              ??         00h
        003014f6 00              ??         00h
        003014f7 00              ??         00h
        003014f8 27              ??         27h    '
        003014f9 00              ??         00h

Here’s the decompiled code for the transformFunc

long transformFunc(char input)

  long i;
  i = 0;
  while ((i != -1 && ((int)input != *(int *)(&lookup + i * 4)))) {
    if ((int)input < *(int *)(&lookup + i * 4)) {
      i = i * 2 + 1;
    else if (*(int *)(&lookup + i * 4) < (int)input) {
      i = (i + 1) * 2;
  return i;

Here we can see that it essentially just takes a character, and looks at what it’s index is in the lookup bss array. The characters are stored at offsets of 4 bytes. Let’s take a look at the array

                             lookup                                          XREF[6]:     transformFunc:00100820(*),
        00301020 77              ??         77h    w
        00301021 00              ??         00h
        00301022 00              ??         00h
        00301023 00              ??         00h
        00301024 66              ??         66h    f
        00301025 00              ??         00h
        00301026 00              ??         00h
        00301027 00              ??         00h
        00301028 7b              ??         7Bh    {
        00301029 00              ??         00h
        0030102a 00              ??         00h
        0030102b 00              ??         00h
        0030102c 5f              ??         5Fh    _
        0030102d 00              ??         00h
        0030102e 00              ??         00h
        0030102f 00              ??         00h
        00301030 6e              ??         6Eh    n
        00301031 00              ??         00h
        00301032 00              ??         00h
        00301033 00              ??         00h
        00301034 79              ??         79h    y
        00301035 00              ??         00h
        00301036 00              ??         00h
        00301037 00              ??         00h
        00301038 7d              ??         7Dh    }
        00301039 00              ??         00h
        0030103a 00              ??         00h
        0030103b 00              ??         00h
        0030103c ff              ??         FFh
        0030103d ff              ??         FFh
        0030103e ff              ??         FFh
        0030103f ff              ??         FFh
        00301040 62              ??         62h    b
        00301041 00              ??         00h
        00301042 00              ??         00h
        00301043 00              ??         00h
        00301044 6c              ??         6Ch    l
        00301045 00              ??         00h
        00301046 00              ??         00h
        00301047 00              ??         00h
        00301048 72              ??         72h    r
        00301049 00              ??         00h
        0030104a 00              ??         00h
        0030104b 00              ??         00h
        0030104c ff              ??         FFh
        0030104d ff              ??         FFh
        0030104e ff              ??         FFh
        0030104f ff              ??         FFh
        00301050 ff              ??         FFh
        00301051 ff              ??         FFh
        00301052 ff              ??         FFh
        00301053 ff              ??         FFh
        00301054 ff              ??         FFh
        00301055 ff              ??         FFh
        00301056 ff              ??         FFh
        00301057 ff              ??         FFh
        00301058 ff              ??         FFh
        00301059 ff              ??         FFh
        0030105a ff              ??         FFh
        0030105b ff              ??         FFh
        0030105c ff              ??         FFh
        0030105d ff              ??         FFh
        0030105e ff              ??         FFh
        0030105f ff              ??         FFh
        00301060 ff              ??         FFh
        00301061 ff              ??         FFh
        00301062 ff              ??         FFh
        00301063 ff              ??         FFh
        00301064 61              ??         61h    a
        00301065 00              ??         00h
        00301066 00              ??         00h
        00301067 00              ??         00h
        00301068 65              ??         65h    e
        00301069 00              ??         00h
        0030106a 00              ??         00h
        0030106b 00              ??         00h
        0030106c 69              ??         69h    i

Here we can see that the character f is stored at 00301024. This will output 1 since ((0x00301024 - 0x00301020) / 4) = 1 (0x00301020 is the start of the array). This also corresponds to the first byte of the desiredOutput array, since it is 1. The second byte is 0x9, so the character that should correspond to it is (0x00301020 + (4*9)) = 0x301044, and we can see that the character there is l

        00301044 6c              ??         6Ch    l
        00301045 00              ??         00h
        00301046 00              ??         00h
        00301047 00              ??         00h
        00301048 72              ??         72h    r

So the second character is l. Moving on through the rest of the list, we can find the full string flag{we_beleaf_in_your_re_future}

Lets check it out now

└─$ ./csaw19_beleaf
Enter the flag
>>> flag{we_beleaf_in_your_re_future}

And we’re done